Thursday, November 27

The Unsung Heroes

Yes indeed it is another wonderful holiday season. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. While you take in as much grub as possible check out a great program airing tonight on TV One. You can watch your marathons during the day but see how TV One salutes Black Music this month. Artist who didn't get to climb the ladder to super star status. This is the concept for the new show "Unsung" series. The show will talk in-depth about Donny Hathaway, the DeBarge Family, The Clark Sisters, and Phyliis Hyman. Tonight viewers will get to preview the DeBarge episode(November 27, 7pm ET). The show is hosted by the old school R&B singer Al B.Sure. If you don't know his catolouge he had the hit back in 1988 No.1 R&B classic, "Nite and Day."

The special is a way to celebrate core urban favorites whose body of work has held through the test of time but whose journeys may be less well-known. The question that the show brings to light is why these particular artist didn't get the spotlight everyone else believed they deserved. The episodes will include reflections by either the artist or their families. The show will have a variety of artist ranging from groups to solo performers, musical styles, gender and living versus deceased. The attraction to the show will be the compelling stories, the core fan base and great music each one shared with us.

If you miss the preview tonight then beginning Sunday, Nov.30 at 10pm ET the first show will air with Phyllis Hyman, followed by the Clark Sisters(12/1), Hathaway (12/2) and the DeBarge Family(12/3).

Once again Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

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