Monday, December 1


As we continue to push further into the new wave of technological advancements we have to keep ourselves sharp on what is popping. When we go to the club or our designated chill spot we look to be entertained correct? How cool is it when you see your favorite video on the screen and being mixed with clips from other videos? Welcome to the world of a VJ. Their mission is to provide projected visuals within the club evnvironment while the dj is cutting up the 1&2's. To truly be successful you have to be both a technican and artist wrapped in to one.

Not to be confused with a video jockey. Those are tv presenters to link videos on music channels.

If you wanna lock in to the game make sure you are prepared. Its a two stage process. The first stage is collecting and shooting video clips, and editing and treating them so that you have a library of amazing images to play with. The second stage is doing it live - putting your visuals together in a spontaneous live set and playing them out at gigs. The basic kit you'll need for this is:

A video camera to record images for your set
A PC or laptop to edit images and play them out in the club Software for editing and treating your images
Software to allow you to play out your images interactively
A projector to show it all happening on a screen or wall in the venue

When you have scratched and clawed your way to obtain your kit its all about networking and refining your techniques. Attend I dO Music so you can solidify your connects is one way to get your rep up. Understand it doesn't have to be a solo project either. There's nothing to stop you teaming up with a friend who's also interested in VJing - one of you might be great technically, the other better visually. Together you'll learn from each other and really progress.

Its better to make your own clips then straight up copying everything. You don't want those copyright issues to creep up. The Creative Archive License is one site to browse from. Filming and editing makes up the real battle in the VJ world. Its all about letting your mind make the move. The market is wide open for VJ's.

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