Wednesday, November 26

360 Deals Will Become Mandatory

Guess What! Today we just that 360 deals are going to be mandatory! Thats right (no typo), if you are a new artist you have to sign that deal, according to Edgar Bronfman(CEO of Warner Bros.) as he told attendees at the Web 2.0 summit(of course the crowd was pissed). For those that don't know what a 360 deal is, it basically is a agreement in which a label takes a cut from sales of CD's and Mp3. Not only that, but also provides a slice of event ticket profits, merchandise sales, endorsement deals and anything else that uses the artist’s brand or music.

Well, at the event Bronfman continue to state that, artist should be able to give away music for promotional purposes. With all this he predicted that online music will eventually become free.

What are people saying in lieu of this? Well labels are saying that it protects the artist due to the low CD sales over the years. Some people think it makes the artists industry "slaves".

What do you think?


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