Saturday, August 8

Investing 101: Where Music and Sponsors Meet

In my articles, “Investors for Your Music” and “Show Discipline and Success & Providers Will Invest”, I stressed the importance of building your web presence and brand and knowing your worth before asking for a sponsor or an investor to invest in you. Well, once you have those and other essential factors established; where do you go in search of sponsorship and/or investors? With the internet becoming more reliable and convenient for connecting with people, interests, and information, there’s no reason not to take full advantage of these opportunities.

A month ago, I stumbled upon a site that could bridge the gap between brands and sponsors. Groupable is a community of groups and sponsors looking to match interests, goals, passions, and needs. The Groupable platform can also track statistics on sponsorships, map out group locations, manage sponsorship levels, and even can take sponsorship donations via credit card. Below is the Groupable dashboard:

Like most social networking sites, the registration process is FREE and SIMPLE: sign up, find a sponsor and connect. Also, if you want to sponsor or invest in a group, you’re given an equally impressive platform that allows you to create a profile, add multimedia, and track groups.

Being that Groupable is a startup company, the only disadvantage for brands looking for sponsorship would be that there aren’t many sponsors in their system. However, understanding how social media will play a dominating role in the future of business and how investors may depend and rely more on niche markets and brands in the future of investing, Groupable would definitely be an avenue to consider once you’ve established a foundation for your brand.

Below are some videos from the Groupable site to give you more insight as to the nature of their community.

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