Monday, April 13

Think "Inside" The Box...

Imagine making thousands of dollars performing for hundreds of thousands of screaming, fans, selling a ton of music, and doing post-concert Q&A's with die hard imagine making "real" money doing all that without leaving your desk top computer. Just when we thought we've seen it all technology proves to us that there are no limits to what we can do!!! If you haven't heard, an online virtual world called "Second Life", is helping artist do all that and some! Second life resembles the more popular "Sims" PC game but allows users to do soooo much more....even make real world cash. Yup! You heard me!! Virtual celebrities are turning virtual cash into "dollars" just like you would a euro or franc. Even professional musicians are catching on to this new revenue stream...just ask 50Cent. It's unbelievable!!! You have to see it for yourself.

Click here to read the full story on CNN

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