Tuesday, April 14

I Am Not A FAN!

Almost everyday I get a dozen emails from artists that I do not know asking me to "request this song" or "download that track" - I'm sure this happens to you as well right? My question to them is... "now why in the world would I want to do that??" lol - But honestly, as artists, when trying to build a fanbase for yourself it is crucial that you understand the process people generally go through in becoming a fan. And by fan, I mean "DIE HARD" - someone that WILL download your music, request you on their local radio station, buy your album, and come to all your shows.

The fact of the matter is too many artist are making fan-type request on people that they just haven't taken the time to make fans of their music. No! - I will not download or request your music if you haven't given me a reason to! No I will not join your email list! No, I will not follow you on Twitter or check out your Myspace page...IF YOU HAVEN'T GIVEN ME A REASON TO! And I can assure you that no one else will either, unless you take the time to build a relationship with them. This is true especially in the beginning of your career when your a new artist with little or no fan base at all. As you gain more popularity it gets somewhat harder to hold a real conversation with a fan but as an "up and commer" this should actually be your edge. Ludacris and Jay-Z don't have time to sit down and personally answer every email they get from a potential fan...you do! Keri Hilson doesn't have the mind capacity to remember fans and call on them by name...you do! Use this to your benefit. The difference between artists that go on to build lucrative, long lasting careers and artist that spend a lifetime making premature requests on people who could care less about what they're doing is effort. Make an effort to be personable, warm, and honest, and your fans will reciprocate.

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"Empowering Musicians Worldwide"

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