Thursday, April 9

How To Create A Traffic Jam

How do you turn initial curiosity into growing, long lasting interest? The answer is content. Always giving just enough to come back for more. The importance of Building A Relationship is aforce that should not be taken lightly. The websites that prove to be most effective include:
  • Biographical information
  • Tour schedules
  • A forum where fans can converse and exchange messages
  • Current news about the artist
  • An email option for fans, allowing them to send messages to the artist
  • Info regarding purchase of recordings
  • Audio clips of old songs and sneak previews of works in progress
  • Video clips of the artist
  • Links to other sites of interest for fans
  • Separate page and e-mail option for bookings and the press

Knowing a site is updated constantly will definitely peek the visitors interest. Offering tidbits of information unavailable anywhere else.

  • Rare photographs
  • Contest, with prizes such as meet and greet
  • Tickets to a performance with a gas card(LOL!)
  • Exclusive downloads or streams of works in progress or remixes

When you are the artist the perception can become cloudy. Put yourself in the shoes of the visitor. Utilizing any of these ideas can lead to a nice response. I'm talking Fail Whale action!(Twitter Heads know what I mean!)

Don't forget to come out and experience "I do Music" for yourself on the 1ST THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH!

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"Empowering Musicians Worldwide"

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