Listen, Comment, Network, Enjoy!!
Want to perform at one of our "I dO Music" Events?!? Send us your music for consideration. Once uploaded, we will listen to your track and even send you feedback!! Whether you make the cut or not...your track will be listed for all to hear, and comment on. To top it all off, you'll get to network with and give feedback to all the users that are part of our music network!! Every month we'll choose the best submissions and invite them to perform at our event. ****NOTE-----Make sure your submission is made public so others can hear what you got!!.... Don't forget - I do Music happens Every 1st Thursday at Apache Cafe, Atl. For More information please visit www.idomusiconline.com!!!
Here's a brief tutorial on how to use the I dO Music Submission Community on www.SoundCloud.com to your benefit.
Step 1) Upload and Send us Up to 5 Tracks Per Month
Step 2) Follow I dO MUSIC COMMUNITY - This is the ONLY Way
to hear and comment on all the submissions we get for I dO
Step 3) Leave Comments directly on tracks you like or leave feedback for other artists
Step 4) Send a Message to us or any artist directly!
Step 5) View Your Stats and receive a breakdown on comments, plays, even track comparisons.
Click here to submit Today!
Come out and experience "I do Music" for yourself on the 1ST THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH @ Apache Cafe!

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I dO Music!
"Empowering Musicians Worldwide"
Every month we'll choose the best submissions and invite them to perform at our event.