9 Reasons Why I Switched from Windows PC to Apple Mac:
1. Low Maintenance = High Productivity - No defragmenting, No virus scans, No scheduled maintenance! Overall apple users enjoy the benefit of using their computer without having to worry about most of the maintenance issues a windows user would generally have to worry about. You can really just open the box and get right to work!
2. No Viruses!!! No Viruses!!! No Viruses!!! - The peace of mind of not having to worry about getting a virus, (especially if you're downloading and sharing programs and music like most people), is priceless. Also, nothing erks me more than Norton Anti-virus popping up in the middle of my Protools sessions. ugh!
3. Better/Seamless Relationship Between Hardware & Software - Apple controls every aspect of their system's hardware and software developement! Even third party software developers have to get their software approved by Apple before they can legally launch a program for OS X.
4. Clean/Simple Look & Feel - You could call me shallow all you want but Mac's look so much more cleaner and are so much simpler in terms of finding files and functions on your system. Their finder window function lets you type in a few words and search the entire system for what your looking for (whether it's a file or a deleted email, you'll be able to find it here)
5. Apple is so much more Advanced!!! - In the world of technology, Apple is definitely ahead of the pack. Their iphone, ipod touch, macs, and itunes music store have broken all the rules and set all the standard for modern technology. From their magnetic power cord (just in case you trip over the cord your computer won't come crashing down to the ground), to the keyboard's built-in ambient light detector (the display and back-lit keyboard changes intensity in response to room lighting), Apple just seems to be so much smarter about the way they do things.
6. More Convenient - With one, two, three, and four finger preset finger swipes on the touch pad you can accomplish so much with little effort and time. Truly amazing when you experience it. It's super easy and user-friendly!!!
7. Drag & Drop! - Mostly everything from installing and uninstalling to moving and rearranging files is simply a drag and drop situation on a mac. On a PC, the same functions would take a handful of necessary steps.
8. Layout & Smoothness of Operation - Apple does a great job in making their systems so smooth. For instance, Apple hides most of its operating system's complexities and does most of the common sense functions automatically (i.e. searches for and chooses the fastest Internet connection for you automatically). Also, their file breakdown and layout is so straight forward your baby brother could figure it out! (Comes in handy when searching for old beats, songs, or Protools files)
9. Better/Smarter Programs - Apple applies the same common sense, usability, and simplicity to their software. With Apple, usually if you can think of it, you can do it...and it'll be relatively easy! With programs like iWork, Protools, Logic, Garageband, ilife, ichat, and iMail that rivals Windows' Micorsoft Office, Adobe Audition. Sonar, Sound Forge, etc...to me Mac wins easily!
Don't just take my word for it, check it out for yourself! To get a better idea of the main differences between a Mac and a PC check out these links:
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i cant wait to arrive. this is my first I DO MUSIC. i missed it last month and the one before that because i didn't know where it was held. now i know and now i go! what i wanna know is what should i bring?