This is a classic scenario - we've all been somewhere totally random and have been confronted with the "oh shoot..it's so and so...this is my chance!" Well here's some advice you'll thank me for later...
If it doesn't feel right, DON'T TAKE THAT CHANCE!!! And if it does feel right, DON'T TAKE THAT CHANCE!!!
Listen to me VERY carefully- these celebrities get that type of treatment from 98% of the people they run into that happen to know who they are. I'm going to let you in on a little secret... most stars and celebrities just want to be treated like regular people. Moreover the key is to treat Andre like a peer. If you approach him with confidence, poise, and something relevant to share without asking him for anything, he'll respond to you better. On the flip-side if you approach him like you're clearly star struck or you introduce yourself, make random conversation, then proceed to asking him for a record deal or some other self-serving request... you can kiss that opportunity goodbye!! If you act like he's above you or better than you in any way then your giving him permission to act as such. Just be yourself and do what you do. You may find it hard to resist, but believe it or not, it is best-practice not to ask for anything at all. Just introduce yourself, tell 'em you're a fan, and if you're personable enough to find a way to keep the conversation going mention to him what you have going on. But DO NOT ASK FOR A THING! In the end, if you don't ask and Andre enjoyed your conversation, he'll respect you more and with time chances are he'll offer you what you wanted from jump street. If he doesn't, but you're able to build some type of relationship from that initial meeting then a better time will present itself where you can ask for what you need...but timing is CRUCIAL!!! Treat it like dating... never ask to sleep over on the first date (you'll probably freak her out!)
Don't forget to come out and experience "I do Music" for yourself on the 1ST THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH!

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"Empowering Musicians Worldwide"
on point!!