Monday, March 30

I dO Music - This Thursday...

This is definitely one you don't want to miss!!!
If you came out last month, then you already know why you should be at Apache Cafe on this Thursday, April 2nd, for the next eddition of "I dO Music". This month we're bringing in some of the best Attorneys in the city to let you know how to structure your business to work with your music. In addition to a great panel, you can also expect performances from some of the most talented artists in Atlanta! See you this Thursday...I can't wait!

The Schedule

Open Networking & "Spotlight Interviews"

I dO BEATS - Play Snippets of Your best Beats!!(sign up @ 8pm)

I Freestyle - Spit Your Best 16 bars!!
(Only 5 spots---sign up at 8pm)

Performances on the best stage in the city!!

"Let's Talk Business" Panel

The Topic

Structuring Your Business to WERK with Your Music

The Panelists - 4 GREAT Entertainment Attorneys
**Bernie Lawrence-Watkins (Shondrae "Bangladesh" Crawford)
**Omara S. Harris ESQ (Various artists, producers, songwriters, publishers, and record labels)
**Jonathan E. Leonard (T.I.)

The Questions:
People often say as an Artist "You are the Business". If so, what are the steps I need to take to set my business up properly? ...and is this different for Producers?

What are some important legal things that I need to do from the start in order to protect my business, my brand, and my intellectual property?

As an indie artist or producer with little or no budget, how would you suggest that I obtain some type of legal counsel when confronted with different contracts? (i.e. management, production, etc.)

Is it true that Record labels can own my name when they sign m
e? How do I retain those rights?

Once and for all...Am I protected by the "Poor Man's Copyright" or is it a myth?

When working with producers should I file my own copyright or can we file together? If together/separate, which form do I use?

What other common legal issues should I keep an eye out for?

The Performers

Hustle Belvy

Erk The Jerk

Zue Cru

Adrift Da Bell

J Real

Red Maiden

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