Friday, March 27

Opportunity: The Hip Hop Music Channel

The dream of the late Shakir Stewart will be brought to life April 12th with the emergence of The Hip Hop Music Channel. Thanks to Stewart's childhood friend Shawn Granberry and movie producer Robert Watts III. The date serves as Stewart's birthday as well.

"The Hip Hop Music Channel is focused on becoming the number one distributor and marketer of hip hop culture in the world," Shawn Granberry, CEO of HHMC explained in a statement.

When HHMC launches in April it will be broadcast online traditionally in several countries including Nigeria, Australia, Japan, Thailand,Vietnam, and more. The network is focused on establishing a connect in the Asian Market.

Viewers will have the ability to choose up to 5 music videos daily from a list of 40,000. The selected vids will then play in the same order received.

Artist interested in showcasing their own works should visit for details on submissions.

Don't forget to come out and experience "I do Music" for yourself on the 1ST THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH!

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