Saturday, October 4

ITunes Lives

For the past few days a story has been circulating in groups and the net that The Copyright Royalty Board was going to increase their rates. The C.R.B. is a U.S. system of three copyright judges that oversee the copyright law’s statutory licenses, which permit qualified parties to use multiple copyrighted works without obtaining separate licenses from each copyright owner. Increasing the rates would have raised the price companies such as Itunes, Amazon, and Rhapsody would have to pay the music publishers. Itunes already stated if prices were to go up from .09 cents to 15 cents then the doors would be closing. Funny how the deal was recently closed for Myspace to open up shop and Itunes was on its was to goodbye land? Hmmmm.....With the rates being set, nothing can change for at least another 5 years. The sound you just heard was all Itune fans exhaling. The Itunes store accounts for more than 85% market share and 2.5 billion downloads. On October 7th the CRB will give an in-depth explanation for this dramatic decision that has had the world talking lately. Stay tuned!

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