Tuesday, February 2

Be consistent!!!!


Such a small word with astronomical implications. Consistency is the one tool that all music entrepreneurs must maintain a constant effort and pinpoint focus on. If you’re not consistent in your actions… you’ll rarely attain the results you’re looking to achieve.

Now what happens when we’re not consistent?

Let’s say you take one day out of your week to make your networking phone calls and you really get down to it and make it happen on this particular day. You promise yourself that you’ll do it again next week. But you don’t receive any responses from your calls… no results.

What do over 90% of us do when this happens? We quit. We don’t follow through.

Why don’t we follow through? What makes us stop working at the very thing that… in time will bring the desired results? Yes. In time our actions will bring us our desired results. But most of the time and for most of us the problem is that we’re not patient. We want it too soon. We don’t want to put the necessary ground work in to see it to it’s completion.

Let’s go back to my first example. The phone calls on week 1 don’t bring any results but we do it again on week 2 and we get a callback. So we do it again on week 3 and now we get 4 callbacks… Do you see where I’m going with this? Consistency, it works… Period.

Next time you feel like your actions haven’t accomplished anything think about trying the task out for at least 2 more times. Put in twice the effort and immerse yourself into your actions. This isn’t a 9-5 job. This is music. This is what you want to do for life. It’s fun right!

Well put some of that fun into your day to day tasks and must do’s and I guarantee you’ll begin to see the results you want.

To your success,

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