Thursday, May 28


OK - I SERIOUSLY think it's time for us to have a little HEART 2 HEART... (this one is personal!)

I know you get our emails with music tips, advice, and all that good stuff all the time but we seriously need you to understand what all this "I dO Music" stuff is REEAALLY about! Personally, from real musician to real musician, if I came across an "I dO Music" flyer on my way to work one day... or on facebook... and it looked even a little credible... there is NO WAY I wouldn't pick it up and check it out because I'M REALLY PASSIONATE ABOUT THE FACT THAT I DO MUSIC and I wouldn't miss any opportunity to be around anything that has to do with it!!!!!

So when we tell you that you should come to this event or go to the website... it shouldn't be about Greg Street or DJ Don Cannon on the panel, nor should it be about the fact that some celebrity artist or big-wig Label A&R is going to be there...

IT SHOULD be about the fact that you get to be around a couple hundred people that feel exactly the same way you feel about MUSIC!!! Mostly everyone that comes to "I dO Music" is just as passionate and excited about their music career as YOU! AND THEY'RE LOOKING FOR SOMEONE AS HARD WORKING AS YOU TO GET TOGETHER WITH ON THEIR JOURNEY TO THE TOP! So whether you're a song writer, producer, artists, engineer, manager, or entrepreneur--->THIS should be the #1 reason you come to the event EVERY MONTH!!! PERIOD!... THE QUESTION IS... ARE YOU SERIOUS??? Are You...

I dO Music!
"Bringing Together The World's Music-Makers"


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