Thursday, March 19

Your Console Needs an Upgrade!

As we are upgrading our studios, cars, houses, wardrobes and all the other material stuff we hold dear to our hearts, it is equally, (if not more) important for us to assess and upgrade the way we think. In a conversation with Leslie Brathwaite, who has won multiple Grammy Awards and is one of the many insightful and intelligent engineers at PatchWerk, he made it crystal clear that often times aspiring musicians and businessmen stand in the way of their own success by having this inferior mindset. He further lamented that this is one of the main obstacles faced by all people in the struggle. For example, a young aspiring promoter would generally be reluctant to request a mega-star such as T.I. or Jay-Z because in their minds they're thinking "I'll never get 'em" or "I won't be able to afford that artist!". These assumptions are the basis for a mentality that will only breed mediocrity. You see, in order to be the best you have to think, act, and only accept the best! Unfortunately many of our young rappers, singers, and promoters do exactly the opposite...they take what they can get. After all, that's what most of us were taught right? Well wake up and smell the Otis Spunkmeyer chocolate chip cookies (wink), things done changed! Here are some great tips on how you can upgrade that console between your ears...

Principle # 1 - Aim to accomplish things that you think are out of your reach.
It's easy to aim for things you know you can achieve without much of a challenge. In other words, Go for Jay-Z and T.I. because getting them will be a REAL accomplishment for you. Striving for anything less than the best is never worth it! Great success come to those who set goals that forces them to stretch mentally (and sometimes even to achieve them.

Principle # 2 - Be a Mental Vegetarian!
If your goal is to become wealthy then why do you only pay attention to magazines like The Source, Vibe, and XXL?!?! It only makes sense that if your goal is to become wealthy then you should do things like watch the financial markets or pick up trade publications like Forbes Magazine, Money Magazine, or something that gives you some insight into how you can build wealth. The point is be careful what you feed your brain because as human beings, we are made up of all that we are influenced by. Point blank...If you do what you've always done, then you'll get what you've always gotten. Thus, it is wise to pay attention to the things you CAN'T relate to. Make friends out of those people you CAN'T relate to. Ready those books and magazines you CAN'T relate to...If you do that, you'll unlock the side of your character that you've been looking for all along.

Principle # 3 - Embrace change progress and new innovations
Nothing kills success like old thinking! Change is inevitable so don't fight it...make friends with it (lol). Just because you're used to doing something a certain way and that way works for you doesn't mean you should "get stuck" in that old way of thinking. Chances are someone is going to developer a better way to do what you've been doing...if that person is you, great! If not, then give their way a chance and you may see that it actually works better for you. This is especially important in the music business because most of our technologies are heavily influenced by innovation.

Principle # 4 - Focus on your strengths
Ok...I have some bad news for you...are you ready?? Here it is...YOU CANNOT DO IT ALL!!!!
Everyone has a specific set of skills that they naturally excel in. Pay attention to the things that you tend to do exceptionally well and start digging...Cultivate those talents until you're the greatest!! One the flip side, the worst thing you can do is focus on your weaknesses. Who cares that you're not really good at making beats! You may be great a writing songs...SO DO THAT INSTEAD!!! Bottom line, if everyone just did what they were made to do the world would actually be a much better place to

Principle # 5 - If you don't compete than you can loose.
Change your concept of winning and you'll always win...because winning is relative. Live up to your own standard, not anyone else's. However don't strive to be second place either. You'll be number one if when you look in the mirror you can say "I did the absolute best that I can do!"

Don't forget to come out and experience "I do Music" for yourself on the 1ST THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH!

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"Empowering Musicians Worldwide"

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