Friday, November 14

Vocal Health

Being a singer, you voice should be in very good shape. It also has to show in your music...That you took the time to perfect your craft with a consistent routine. This not only shows that you are serious about your music but that you will stop at nothing to perfect it!

Well, here are a few tips to perfect that voice

  • Good Posture-I read that pretending that you are puppet is a good way to set up your vocal exercises.

  • Proper Breating- Deep breating is essential toward the vocal exercises. Also making sure that you tummy is relaxed is very important as well.

  • Vocal Warm-UP- You may sound stupid but a couple of "MEE-MEE-MEEEEEEE'S" will put you vocals in a safe place.

Other Tips

-Keep coffee and tea at a minimum, seeing as these two are know to dry out your vocal cords in an instant

-Drink Plenty of liquids so that you can keep you vocal cords moist.

-Don't strain your voice

Hope this was helpful! Make sure you showcase your talent @ the next I do Music

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