Wednesday, October 15

How To Build A Fan Base

Let's face it, most record labels will be hard pressed to offer you a record deal without a fan base or a following even if you have talent out of this world. Not to say that this is right, but don't be fooled, the reality is that the music industry does not operate on talent alone. If you pay attention, the most successful artist have been those with the most savvy business people behind them helping to marketing and promote their brand. So the answer to achieving all of your major label dreams lies in figuring out a way to accomplish this challenging task on your own. Here's a few tips:

Tip # 1- Find your uniqueness! What do you bring to the music industry that makes you special or better yet valuable? To answer that question simply look at what always seems to work for you? What do you find yourself always doing? Once you figure out what this is...hone in on it and exaggerate it to the max regardless of any criticisma you may get. As Kevin Liles would say, "Do You!". Trust when I say, "it'll pay off in the end and fans will value your art form much more.

Tip # 2- Take advantage of every opportunity to display your unique talent & brand in your immediate environment. The biggest mistake most artists make is putting to much focus on promoting themselves to "the world" and in the process, neglecting the potential fans that are right in front of them. The best strategy to build a fan base is from the bottom up. Meaning start building a buzz in your own neighborhood before you start sending singles to Afghanistan. You never know who may be a potential fan and so it's best to keep your eyes and ears open for any opportunities to be seen. Whether that be at showcases, open mic nights, parties & club nights, networking events, conferences & festivals, etc. When you have something different to offer, you can't ever over promote it.

Tip # 3- Keep in touch! The worst thing you could do after enticing someone with your talent is to let them leave without getting some form of contact information to further build on that relationship. After performing at shows find a way to get emails and contact info from potential fans. Maybe give them a free CD in return for their email address...remember, anything "free" is good in the eyes of a buyer.

Tip # 4- If you don't stay fresh, you go stale! Bottom line! Keep your fans engaged by constantly sending them new music, pictures, videos, tour updates, etc. Whatever you can do to stay on the minds of your potential fans, DO IT!

Tip # 5- Be consistent! This is by far the best advice I can give you. Whatever you do to gain fans, be consistent with it. The funny thing about consistency is that things just seem to really start working for you after a certain point. It's like all of a sudden, everything starts to fall in place, you start getting the most brilliant ideas, the right people start calling, and the right opportunities seem to just show up out of no where. Most of the time when you look up and see that everyone that started the race with you has dropped out, you know you're on the right track! From there, all you have to do is put your head down, believe in your abilities, and keep running until you break through the finish line.

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