Wednesday, October 1

Create a Cult of Fans.Pt 2.

So now you have a little understanding from the last series of Create a Cult. I'm going to go ahead and skip down to Step 3. Please use caution as I stated in the previous section as this may offend others. But don't be afraid to use it.

Step 3: Borrow the Forms of Organized Religion to Structure the Group.
This doesn't mean that you should form your own church...NO! This simply means to use the concept of forming a religion. Now you have made your following and its starting to show whether it be from your stage appearances to your ever-growing online buzz. You have to organize! Just how the Templar Knights brought on their beliefs so they played into peoples belief system. So the Knights used there new power to recruit people for the Holy Crusades (but you didn't want to hear a history lesson). So you almost have to act as if you are a profit. You have to have everyone to believe that the music you are conveying is the truth. You have to have a following in which people would be willing to support you in every aspect, even if you decide to switch your style up. So remember that your music is your "religion". So you have to have people to follow it!

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