Tuesday, September 16

When I grow up I wanna be...

A Concert promoter!
What does a concert promoter do?
The simple answer is, "A concert promoter promotes concerts." It's more accurate to say that a concert promoter promotes artists. They promote artists to the venues in order to get them a gig, and then they promote them to the fans in order to get a sizeable audience into that gig.

On average, concerts are two hours of loud, hand-clapping fun, full of good music and swirling lights. However, making those two hours happen isn't easy work. Concert promoters decide which cities artists should visit, choose the venues they play and get sponsors for the tours.

Plus, all the logistics that come with the each show, such as security precautions and even the amount of bathrooms available for concertgoer, are their domain. It's tough work but they get to see free shows and travel around the country.

Salary: Earnings depend on the type of concert and its success, so the pay can be as low as minimum wage and, for industry veterans, as high as millions per year.

Source: Cnn.com, Stylecareer.com

Always with love,
Miss Juice

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