Tuesday, September 30

Create a Cult of Fans Pt 1.

In order to be a powerhouse in the music business you have to have a target. Sure, you have your God given abilities to perform, promote or whatever it is you do in this industry....but you need to go by certain rules. One "rulebook" which I know that can be beneficial towards your success is the 48 Laws of Power, written by Robert Greene. This book should be picked up!!!! It can be used in the music industry as well as the corporate world. In this series I'm going to go over Law 27:

Play on Peoples Need to Believe to Create a Cultlike Following:

I will use the example of an artist

Step 1: Keep it Vague; Keep it Simple

Your Vagueness is your line and hook...so to speak. When your are performing you have to have a certain aura about yourself. Beware! don't be too "Hollywood" as it may intimidate your potential fans. When you walk in the venue make up your own type of Strut! However to much vagueness could spoil your whole get up. So experiment and use with caution.

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