Tuesday, February 10

PSA For All Djs

There are a few things I like to reiterate to my djs. I know its early but do you have your game plan looking proper? I listed a few tips to keep you on your 1 & 2's!

Dress Your Cool

Take the time to go over all your equipment and see what could potentially use an upgrade this year. Also try to figure out what is not being used so that you can sell it to make funds for any new purchases. This also might be the time when you’ll tell yourself that you are confident in the gear you have and that you should not have to spend any more money on it this year.

Around this time of year, it’s a good time to brush up on your skills.Understand someone is always working when your not. Look into any short workshops that are offered and see if you can find a place to pick up some instruction on things you have been putting off learning. Perhaps you can teach a workshop as well. Each one, teach one.

Is your logo looking tired? Your website still running old HTML, leaving you to depend on your MySpace page as your sole channel of communication with your fans?If you don't already have a specialist maintaining your page, find the time to update yourself. Perception is reality in this business.

Network For Networth

Your brand starts with your DJ or production name, and extends to every place people might see and hear you. It might even involve your hairstyle and choice of clothes.

Make a mission to attend every showcase and summit possible to build your network. This is a given when you attend I dO MUSIC!

Try to figure out if there are any social networking services which you might want to make use of this year, such as Twitter, imeem, or Soundcloud

Sense we are on the case of social websites, please realize that MySpace and Facebook is great for networking and promotion but consider having your own unique site developed.

Mind Your Money

Being in charge of your funds is a great look. Now’s a good time to review your budget and make sure all the accounting is sorted. You should have a good idea of how much you made last year, and set projections for how you want to improve on those earnings this year.

Think of other avenues you’ll use to keep your projects growing.

If you’re a DJ, you might want to consider any options for doing say weddings or corporate events on the side, and if you’re a producer you might want to look at ways to get your music in films. Or if you’re both of these types, maybe you’re thinking about making a compilation album this year?

Another area to pay attention to, is finding any opportunities to earn “passive income”, meaning a project that you work on which can keep earning money as other business slows down, eg: compilation albums or even tutorial DVDs on how to DJ Trance for your local bookstore to sell.

Get in Order

Organization is detrimental to your success. Take the time to clean your music collection. Backup everything to your lovely hard drive.

Also consider taking care of some of the basics, such as refreshing your office supplies and maybe getting a filing cabinet to keep all your paperwork centralized.

Get a good calendar and dayplanner, and use them well to make sure that you’re on top of all your appointments and deadlines for the year.

Work on assembling your team that will help you get things done.

This could be friends, family, and most importantly, your fans. If you’re making good money and someone ends up showing good value to your project, pay them accordingly so they can continue to help you reach your goals in achieving global domination.

Most importantly, even with all the talk about the “economy”, now’s a good time to be positive above and beyond all the things we’ve listed here.

Don't forget to come out and experience "I do Music" for yourself on the 1ST THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH!

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