Monday, February 9

I dO Music! February 5, 2009 Photos

The crowd was off the chain this past I dO Music. But I wont say too much more. Let the pictures speak for themselves....

Don't forget to come out and experience "I do Music" for yourself on the 1ST THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH!

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I dO Music!
"Empowering Musicians Worldwide"


  1. It was a fun & exciting night. Everyone was on Point and the critic was true to his word. Hee knows his Hip-Hop..BUT he doesnt know R&B!! What he told that Monica Mason was wrong!!! she was wonderful & she did hit that high note!! She sang with alot of passion, something our music is missing these days. I hope to hear more of her soon, she was like a breath of fresh air!!! Keep up the good work I DO MUSIC!!!! cant wait til next month!!!

  2. this event was great. I appreciate the opportunity to be a part of it!


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