Saturday, February 21

The Music Industry… I can fix this!! (Part 2 of 7)

Written by Leslie Brathwaite

Sell the artist not the music. Give away the music and sell everything else. Rick Rubin had an extremely brilliant concept by suggesting iTUNES and other major internet retailers adopt a subscription based service. Pay a fixed amount monthly and download at your convenience. When people aren’t buying what you’re selling, change what you’re selling. When everyone stops buying music, sell the convenience – and everything else you can think of – merchandise, special edition artist based iPods, shows, etc. I touched on this in one of my previous notes when I described how Apple and AT&T re-shaped the wireless cell phone industry by focusing on offering the best PHONE instead of focusing on the SERVICE and the PLANS like everyone else who are all still struggling to catch up.

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1 comment:

  1. I dont think it's that easy to just say give free music. People make a living off of writing and producing music. Everything costs money to make whether it be gas money getting there to equipment to a place to keep it running, all of that has to be accounted for and its not that easy to say that everything else you sell will handle thoughs debts.
    I dont see this happening anytime SOON. Maybe bit never now.


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