Thursday, February 19

Here's My Answer...What's Your Take?

So yesterday an aspiring manager (whom I will keep anonymous) asked me this was my answer - what's your take on his situation?:

His Question - "If i am a small label or an independent artist "trying to get a deal" what should i expect from a label or ask for?"

My Answer - " first's not about what you should expect because in most cases, what you should probably expect is for them to try to get as much work and money out of you for as cheap as possible far as what you should ask for...that is really a question you should ask YOURSELF, not anyone else. That is the main reason you NEED to educate yourself. However, even if you're a little naive to the standards and norms (of record deals) it's not impossible for you to know exactly what you want and be hungry enough to strive for it. So in the end it's just a matter of knowing yourself, knowing your music, and understanding your connection to your market...then asking yourself..ok..."What do I want from someone trying to make money off of the connection I have to my audience?"...There is no right or wrong answer to that question...if you know what you want and why, and you're willing to turn down anyone that doesn't give it to'll find someone who will!


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