Sunday, December 21

WMG Pulls Plug on Youtube

Perhaps you were looking for a few videos yesterday on youtube and noticed something missing. Warner Music Group pulled its entire collection of music from the website due to a halt in negations with the Google video site. It is the same story every time with the companies that are making millions. WMG feel the artist, songwriters, labels, and publishers aren't being thoroughly compensated for their work. Until an agreement can be reached all media is stripped.

Warner was one of the first media companies to set up a deal with Youtube. The idea that money has to be evenly spread comes on top of the rising competitor making moves, Hulu. Other sites such as MTV and Myspace Music are still ways to view your WMG artist.

Youtube also has agreements with other major labels also going through renegotiations. The news with WMG could definately affect the talks now. Understand that Warner has more then 20 percent market share of albums and Atlantic is the number 1 label in the U.S.

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