Tuesday, September 2

Urgent: Only read if you're serious about your career!

As you sit at your computer plotting your next move to get in the game ask yourself a few questions.

1. Do you have an entertainment lawyer ready to read whatever legal documents you may be presented with?
2. Do you have a manager?
3. A wardrobe stylist?
4. A booking agent?
5. Are you even familiar with these positions?
6. Are you prepared to be in the spotlight?
7. Are you as ready as you think you are?
Do you understand the protocol of the media? Ms. Solange Knowles showed up all what happens when you're not trained in media etiquette.
With all these questions you may be feeling a bit overwhelmed. But imagine walking into the music industry and being smacked upside the head all these issues that you were just unprepared to address!
Of course, this won't happen to you because you're a smart cookie. How do I know this? Well, you're reading this for starters. Other than that I just have a feeling. Anyhoo, I digress.
Make sure that you are well educated in whatever endeavor you choose to pursue. Trust and believe that where you slip and fall, there are a dozen people ready and willing to take your spot. So be the BEST. Of course, you could try and learn as you go, but while you're bumbling around blind, someone with a clear vision is passing you by.
Well, that's all from Juice today. Thanks for reading. Remember that self-preservation is key and don't stop until you get what you want for YOU!
-Always with love, Miss Juice

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