Monday, February 9


End Result? A better show!

More often than not, artist who perform get caught up in "Me Land". This is a very dangerous place to be. It's actually right down the street from NO ALBUM SALES BLVD, which is adjacent to DROP FROM LABEL PL. It's not totally where you want to go. "ME LAND" is where the artist is focused on being an artist opposed to being a vessel for emotion. Let me explain. Too many times have I gone to a show and witnessed a rapper or singer just reciting their lyrics on stage as if they were in the booth recording them. Some even stand still in the middle of the stage mimicking the entire recording. This is "Poo Poo" to the People. The audience craves to be engaged. They want to believe in you and your music, but its up to you to convince them. It doesn't matter what genre or style you do, it's all in your emotion and how you're perceived. Here's a thought, go to your bathroom mirror. It has to be your bathroom...don't ask why (lol). Look in the mirror and repeat after me "They want to feel exactly the way I feel, and they want me to show them how". Then start your musical rendition slowly, over pronouncing every word. This helps you focus on these words more. While focusing match your facial expressions with your lines. For example, if the words to my song were "I had a bad day, the clouds were all gray, everything was to my dismay", (pretty wack lines i know but bare with me I'm trying to make a point here) I couldn't have a smile on my face when saying it. Make the people feel how you felt when you wrote the song. Music's best friend is emotion, and the people want to meet him through you. If you master this I promise you that you will develop a following. Why? Because people want to be taken on emotional roller coasters. We love it! It's like going to an amusement park in our own body, without the hassle of long lines for each ride. Furthermore, upon practicing using these methods you can actually develop some armature acting skill which could catapult your career in other areas. If you can turn on and turn off emotion on stage in front of live people? You can definitely do it in front of a camera.

---Some words of wisdom from JoE BiLLZ, doing his writing thing...CIAO!!!!!

Don't forget to come out and experience "I do Music" for yourself on the 1ST THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH!

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