Tuesday, January 13

Controversy sells???

I see a lot of new things going on with up coming artist and it seems to be a new trend. In Hip-hop beef, is starting to be the norm and if your like me your tired of it. How many artist will use controversy in order to garner the attention of the audience. Is it necessary? When do heated topics create the avenue for an independent? Well we see that the Amy Winehouse situation with rehab and how she put it into music. With these last years we can see this same example occurring within the music biz.

So what does that mean for you?

Well smacking your rival in the mouth after a rap battle wont do much towards your success these days. You are better off telling your own story coming from the bottom to the top, people have respect for reality these day. So controversy may have an effect on you as a person and an artist in terms of your influence.

For the artist you don't have to rely on controversy to sell your product. You don't want to be a victim of VladTV.

*Disclaimer: These views do not reflect the I do Music blog or their partners. This is a critique provided by none other than Kozi.

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1 comment:

  1. That is why the people can come to us and get a dose of da REAAAAALLLLLL....Hip Hop. Where did you get that pic?!!


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